Wisdom teeth could be stem cell source

WASHINGTON - Is wisdom teeth just an annoyance for you? Well, its time to change your opinion, for according to researchers, wisdom teeth contain a valuable reservoir of tissue for the creation of stem cells.

Graphene films can act as artificial membrane to speed up DNA sequencing

LONDON - Researchers from Harvard University and MIT have demonstrated that graphene, a surprisingly robust planar sheet of carbon just one-atom thick, can act as an artificial membrane separating two liquid reservoirs.

Amateur astronomers open potential lab in outer space for scientists

WASHINGTON - Two amateur astronomers, who independently observed and videotaped an asteroid striking the giant planet Jupiter on June 3, have opened a potential giant research lab in space for planetary scientists.

Mysteries of ‘Green Pea’ galaxies unveiled

WASHINGTON - An astronomer has unveiled the mysteries of strange so-called ‘Green Pea’ galaxies.

Intelligent cat flap with microchip is bliss for worried cat owners in UK

LONDON - An intelligent cat flap, which uses a pet’s microchip to ensure only a verified animal enters and leaves the home, is selling like hot cakes in the UK.

DARPA eyes mind-controlling helmets for soldiers

MELBOURNE - The US Army’s science department is working to develop helmets that can influence a soldier’s brain.

US navy eyes ‘dial-a-blast’ bomb to minimize civilian casualties

LONDON - The US navy is planning to develop a bomb whose damage can be controlled and manipulated.

Drug shows promise against debilitating condition of diabetes

WASHINGTON - A drug has the potential to stop a debilitating condition of diabetes that often leads to pain in the extremities and even amputations, say scientists.

World’s first anesthesia given via videoconferencing across continents

WASHINGTON - In a world first, doctors at McGill’s Department of Anesthesia treated patients undergoing thyroid gland surgery in Italy remotely via videoconferencing from Montreal on August 30 (10).

New systems to extract water from air, discover pipeline leaks, clean sewage water

WASHINGTON - New water systems, to be unveiled soon, could extract precious drinking water from air, discover a leak in pipeline systems and even effectively clean sewage water.

First geometric ‘atlas’ of Internet created

LONDON - Scientists have created the first geometric “atlas” of the Internet as part of a project to prevent our most ubiquitous form of communication from collapsing within the next decade or so.

Muscle cramp drug ‘better than aspirin at preventing strokes’

LONDON - A drug used to ease cramp is more effective at preventing strokes than aspirin, a new research has revealed.

A hot cuppa in hand makes us more trusting

LONDON - Want to ask someone for a favour? Well, hand them a hot cup of coffee or tea before you do so, for a new study has revealed that we become more trusting when our hands are warm - making requests more likely to be granted.

Iron overload may speed up Alzheimer’s

LONDON - Iron overload could be behind the development of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new research.

Stephen Hawking, a Simpsons character?

LONDON - Noted British physicist Stephen Hawking, who avoids people asking questions, has said there is a common misconception that he is a “Simpsons character”.

Soon, cars that change colours according to owner’s mood and sunlight

SYDNEY - Get ready to see future car with “chameleon paint” which would change its colour according to the owner’s mood or clothing on a particular day.

Stephen Hawking says he’s often mistaken for a Simpsons character

LONDON - British scientist Stephen Hawking has joked that he is often mistaken for a Simpsons character.

Soon, online Avatars to turn more lifelike with realistic gestures and voice

LONDON - While Avatars offer a better way to communicate with their graphics and sound quality, researchers have developed a new software that may help virtual characters appear more lifelike by imbuing them with realistic body language.

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