University of Nebraska regents vote not to further restrict embryonic stem-cell research rules

President Barack Obama speaks briefly on Afghanistan

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  • VoxAmerica Dennis Ross Central Region Czar Believes US policy has caused Mid East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti gun and pro abortion.
  • property_insure Let women keep their abortion coverage: That helps explain why advocates for reproductive rights weren't pr..
  • Deanaish True.---RT: @future_24 You never kno what side of abortion your on until your in the situation where you have to decide
  • BostonBoomer Why do people in the news media, including NPR, insist on calling anti-abortion DINOs like Ben Nelson "moderates?"
  • imjustjoshin "Since 1973, legal abortion has killed more Blacks than AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart disease & violent crime combined
  • Charlotteviv WOW RT @John Piper "The abortion industry kills as many Black people every four days as the Klan killed in 150 years."

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  • polymath22 tomcoburn: Senate health bill : 3,607 uses of word "shall" but ZERO provisions guaranteeing that taxpayers do not fund abortion.
  • healthwarehouse White House at odds with bishops over abortion - The Associated Press
  • mcgeneral beliefnet: White House at Odds with Bishops Over Abortion : WASHINGTON - The White House is on a collision course wi..
  • paulcarterjr Bishops Press Obama to Strike Provision on Abortion Funding
  • thespindoctor #Digg : Bishops Press Obama to Strike Provision on Abortion Funding: A coalition of Christian leaders -- including...
  • catholicmeme U.S. bishops disappointed in abortion-funding provisions in Senate health care bill
  • whisper1111 @jenny0101 if dems are party of abortion then why weren't all those idiot republicans feleted in the womb
  • annaone Let women keep their abortion coverage - Atlanta Journal Constitution
  • jpetar75 Bishops Press Obama to Strike Provision on Abortion Funding
  • healthcampphila White House at odds with bishops over abortion