Australian hospitalized after diving face-first into venomous, peanut-sized jellyfish

Australian dives face-first into deadly jellyfish

Marine experts tracking young humpback whale tangled in heavy rope off Hawaii coast

Young humpback whale tangled in rope off Hawaii

Former Arizona school district worker accused of using school computers to seek space aliens

Space alien search costs AZ school worker his job

NIH approves first batches of embryonic stem cells for tax-funded research, promises more soon

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  • Moniika21 was studying Biology..we must recognize almost 200hundred flowers!
  • ScienceCareer Research & Development Scientist - Endothelial Cell Biology - Vancouver...
  • HazelEyez92 Hahaha Daemen College finally coughed up that scholarship .. Shoo and I jus changed my major to Pre-Med instead of Biology ..
  • buckdenton How Fig Trees Kill Cheating Wasps: #biology #science

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  • pansapiens A Search for Methods to Represent Complex Information - the use of 'realistic' molecular images in teaching cell biology
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  • baum Synthetic biology and evolution : The New Yorker
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  • libbyshope Oncogene - Abstract of article: Defining the role of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in cancer biology and therapeutics
  • d3c2d3c2 doing biology-homework while listening to pete doherty's voice...strange combination^^
  • kyleheaden just finished writing up all of the notes for genes, and membranes and receptors. Just got to write the introduction to the #mb1030 report now.
  • penwing home from Building the Brain lecture... quite interesting looking at the limits of computer power improvements and whether biology can help
  • jobsinmedia Post-doctoral Position in Chemical Biology -...
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