As US grapples with resurgence of bedbugs, authorities fret over misuse of harmful pesticides

US grapples with bedbugs, misuse of pesticides

Advocates fear that soldiers wrongly tagged with personality disorder may still bear stigma

Advocates see trouble for misdiagnosed soldiers

Calif. lawmakers consider scrapping state rock designation for mineral that contains asbestos

Calif may dump ’state rock’ that contains asbestos

International team of researchers to spend 520 days in isolation imitating mission to Mars

President Barack Obama speaks briefly on Afghanistan

Mystery around remote NY island begins to lift as storied animal research lab heads west

Lab’s move begins to lift mystery around NY island

US government considers selling NY island that has been home to animal disease lab

NY island site of animal disease lab may be sold

Modern architecture fans win round against Civil War buffs in fight over Gettysburg building

Gettysburg building fans win round vs. war buffs

Through a glass, sparkly: Jewel-like curtains on windows would generate solar power

Solar energy with jewel-like curtains on windows

At job training center, Obama announces loan guarantee to build 1st nuclear plant in decades

The White House

Mo. agency says IRS hasn’t paid $172 hazardous waste fee from 2006, matter sent to prosecutors

Mo agency says IRS failed to pay $172 waste fee

Volatile stock market weighs on IPOs in January, but hope remains for the rest of the year

Volatile stock market weighing on IPOs

NEW YORK — Companies trying to sell their shares in initial public offerings had a hard time finding willing buyers in January — a trend that will likely continue until the stock market stabilizes.

Recriminations over slipshod statistics mark Greek politics; credibility may be hard to regain

Greeks fret about faulty data

ATHENS, Greece — Greece is greeting European outrage over its dubious economic data with repentance, defensiveness and fear that no one will believe them again — even if they do clean up the statistics and accounting agencies slammed by an EU report for faking growth and deficit figures.

Alaska Natives, environmental groups file legal challenge to Chukchi offshore drilling

Groups file legal challenge to Chukchi drilling

Giant trellises will be grown on 18-story federal office building in Portland, Ore.

Portland high-rise to get 250-foot-tall trellises

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