70pc of women likely to face sexual problems after breast cancer

Friday, September 24, 2010

WASHINGTON - A new study has revealed that 70 percent of women are likely to face sexual function problems if they have breast cancer.

Mary Panjari of the Women’s Health Program at Monash University reported on the sexual well-being nearly two years after diagnosis and initial treatment of participants in the BUPA Foundation Health and Wellbeing after Breast Cancer Study which involves approximately 1,700 breast cancer survivors.

Over 80 percent of all the women in the study described their sex life before breast cancer as good and satisfying. Amongst the partnered women aged 70 years or younger, with no active disease, 70 percent were experiencing sexual function problems.

Many of the women who experienced sexual problems had concerns about their body image after breast cancer. Also, specific treatments for breast cancer were more likely to be associated with menopausal symptoms, which can contribute to sexual problems.

“Women who have been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer still require support to maintain health and well-being after breast cancer.

“As women now remain on aromatase inhibitors for longer periods, sexual function problems are likely to become more common amongst breast cancer survivors,” concluded Panjari.

The findings were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. (ANI)

Filed under: Science and Technology

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