Same gene linked to Alzheimer’s and heart attacks

Friday, December 10, 2010

WASHINGTON - A new study has found that Alzheimer’s disease and heart attacks share common genetic basis.

It may pave way for the first genetic test on developing the risk of the diseases even at a young age.

The researchers found that there is some overlapping between the congenital risks of being affected by Alzheimer and suffering a heart attack. This common genetic predisposition was found in 30 percent of heart attack sufferers and 40 per cent of those affected by Alzheimer.

“Until now, we only knew about individual genes linked to both diseases and this was not sufficient to develop an individual test for the risk.

“However, we have now been able to identify a genetic profile of several genes partially common to both diseases. This is the leap in quality that now enables us to conduct a test and assess a profile partially specific to both diseases”, said Federico Licastro, of the University of Bologna.

Based on the result of the test, the researchers said that one could decide whether or not to monitor the situation by regular medical checks and more in-depth medical exams.

Furthermore, the link between the two diseases sheds more light about their origin.

According to Licastro, “the core of the genetic risk profile consists of genes that are involved in synthesizing and transporting cholesterol and in controlling for inflammation, which, therefore, appears to be at the root of both diseases”.

This means that not only can you conduct tests to identify the diseases; you can also define appropriate life-styles to prevent heart and circulation problems and Alzheimer.

The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. (ANI)

Filed under: Science and Technology

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