UN agency favors export ban on Atlantic bluefin tuna at endangered species meeting
By Frank Jordans, APFriday, February 5, 2010
UN agency favors ban on bluefin tuna exports
GENEVA — The world should ban the export of Atlantic bluefin tuna, a U.N. panel declared Friday, backing a proposal that is fiercely opposed by Japan, which prizes the fish as a key ingredient in sushi.
Atlantic bluefin populations have declined more than 80 percent since the 19th century, so establishing special protections is justified by science, said CITES, the U.N. group that oversees the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
“We are recommending that the parties accept the proposal,” CITES scientific chief David Morgan told reporters in Geneva.
The tiny European principality of Monaco is asking the 175 nations that are members of CITES to agree on a global ban on Atlantic bluefin exports at a meeting in Qatar’s capital of Doha from March 13-25. The plan is one of 42 conservation proposals CITES members will consider, along with similar trade bans on products from polar bears, some sharks and other species.
The meeting will also decide whether to restrict or ease the ban on trade in elephant ivory, another hotly contested issue.
But the dispute over tuna — which pits most northern European countries against Japan and several Mediterranean fishing nations — will likely command the biggest attention because it threatens to wipe the iconic fish off the sushi menu.
Turkey, Spain, Greece, Italy and Malta have thousands of jobs that depend on catching and shipping the fish to Japan, while France and Britain have signaled they would favor a ban.
Atlantic bluefin, which can reach 10 feet (3 meters) long and weigh more than 1,430 pounds (650 kilograms), fetch prices reaching 2,000 yen ($20) a slice in high-end Tokyo restaurants. Japan buys 80 percent of the world catch, with Europe, South Korea and the U.S. sharing the rest. In Europe, bluefin sushi is still rather rare, served only at the most exclusive restaurants.
The International Commission on the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna, which groups tuna-fishing nations, already sets quotas on the annual bluefin catch. It has reduced this year’s limit to 14,900 tons (13,500 metric tons), down nearly 40 percent from 2009.
Environmentalists, however, say the quotas are widely ignored and are too high anyway.
“An Appendix I listing is now essential,” said Steven Broad, head of the international monitoring group, referring to the category used by CITES for species that cannot be traded internationally.
An export ban on Atlantic bluefin wouldn’t affect the Pacific bluefin species — even though that is similarly endangered — because there has been no proposal to limit its catch, said Morgan.
The bluefin ban also wouldn’t cut sales of yellowfin, skipjack, or tongol tuna, which are commonly found in cans and deli sandwiches.
Atlantic bluefin “is a particular product from a very sought-after species (sold) in relatively small quantities compared with tuna generally,” Morgan stressed.
He said the CITES office in Geneva wasn’t recommending a similar ban on polar bear products, as proposed by the United States but resisted by Canadian indigenous communities.
CITES members will try to reach decisions by consensus, but if necessary they will hold a vote. Approval by two-thirds of those countries voting for or against is necessary to pass a proposal.
Other proposals up for debate include one by Tanzania and Zambia to permit them to sell government-owned stocks of ivory under a system allowing limited trade in the tusks of endangered elephants. Kenya and other African countries want all ivory sales halted immediately.
Meanwhile Sweden and Palau want to include dogfish, a type of shark commonly sold in British fish and chip shops, in Appendix II of CITES, which would require permits to trade.
CITES said it was aware of the possibility that lobby groups might try to influence countries’ votes through round-about forms of bribery.
“We are trying to avoid as much as possible that lobbying groups finance the participation of delegations,” said spokesman Juan Carlos Vasquez. “That doesn’t exclude any illegality in their practices,” he added.
The meeting will also look at ways of better enforcing already existing protection measures, such as the ban on trade in rhinoceros horns. Their use has shot up recently in Asia following unsubstantiated rumors that ground horn can halt the spread of cancer, said the group’s chief enforcement officer John Sellar.
On the Net:
Proposals for CITES meeting: www.cites.org/eng/cop/15/prop/
Tags: Animals, Asia, East Asia, Environmental Concerns, Environmental Conservation And Preservation, Europe, Geneva, Geography, Government Regulations, Industry Regulation, International Trade, Japan, Mammals, Natural Resource Management, Switzerland, Western Europe, Wildlife
February 11, 2010: 1:15 pm
Most species are of no interest for captive breeding efforts as there is nothing to offer other than looks.Others on the other hand do, so people who wish to captive breed these species from preferably rehab stock that can breed should be allowed to without all the paperwork. Possibly conditions might be 1/2 offspring must be donated for reintroduction back into the wild in a new habitat. |
![]() Duane Skuce |
February 11, 2010: 1:01 pm
In short any animal that has some distint interest to humans and arnt captive bred regardless of protection die off. While those animals as above who are captive bred become abundant. Lesson here is promote captive breeding of such species that are fragile, while seeking new habitats where they can be established. CITIES is preventing the serious people who want to propagate as such, hurting the species. |
![]() Duane Skuce |
February 11, 2010: 12:51 pm
You will never stop poaching or black market demands for animals(parts), until you implement a captive breeding program that trys to meet the demand of the product while education sinks in. Big business & politics will stop the protection of unique envionments at the cost of cutural advancement in most cases. As such, again captive breeding is the answer before its too late. |
![]() Duane Skuce |
February 11, 2010: 12:43 pm
First I’d like to inform the uneducated. organizations abroad approch countries offering to represent them free of charge at CITIES conventions. Thus they can move foreward their individual goals, not the countries. History has shown time over time if there is a demand for a species and access is restricted, extinction pretty much occurs. Any animal valuble to humans and captive bred abounds. |
Duane Skuce