
SAN FRANCISCO ( For all those who have been thinking so far, that Solar System is the only terrestrial body, where one can find similar planets like earth and Mars, would now be proved wrong.

TRENTON ( When other children were absorbed with play stations, cartoons and hanging out with their friends, sixth grader David Sukhin, of New Jersey, was completely engrossed in creating a very handy tool, that would make him predict, whether to go to school the next day or not.

CAPE CANAVERAL ( The explosion of Space shuttle challenger that took place 25 years ago remains a black spot in the history of NASA and possibly no other space journey related disaster can match its magnitude.

CALIFORNIA ( In yet another giant leap for mankind, NASA announced yesterday, Jan 26, 2011, that they have come across a galaxy whose existence was hitherto unknown.

SANTA BARBARA ( The Air-force base in Vandenberg, launched the biggest rocket that the western coasts of United States have ever witnessed.
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